本次線上直播將首次介紹由 Quanser 學術應用團隊開發的 Python 智慧工具套件,帶給您研究和教學實例。
該工具套件讓您能夠在 Quanser 新推出支援 GPU 自主載具上,如 QCar 2、QDrone 2 和 QBot 平台,部署各種神經網路,實現基於圖像的感知應用。Quanser 學術應用團隊研發經理莫爾塔扎-博拉(Murtaza Bohra) 將為您介紹在哪裡查詢資料庫和範例、如何在第一次使用前設置您的系統、部署這些範例,以及團隊目前為實現未來功能所進行的工作。
台灣時間 2024 年 11 月 14 日星期四 晚上 11:00
Murtaza Bohra is the R&D Manager for the Academic Applications team at Quanser, which develops teaching content and research examples to accompany our systems. Over 9 years, he has been involved in developing content for a variety of Quanser systems. He has also represented Quanser globally in workshops, tradeshows, plenary talks, and conferences, has presented webinars and authored a variety of blogs. Murtaza holds a Master of Applied Science in Space Mechatronics and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Science from the University of Toronto, where he has taught a graduate course on manipulator robotics as well.